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Yuanyuan Chen, PhD

  • Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology

Dr. Yuanyuan Chen joined the vision research field when she worked with Dr. Krzysztof Palczewski in the Department of Pharmacology at Case Western Reserve University. Dr. Palczewski is a renowned biochemist in vision research who made significant contributions in revealing the molecular structure of the visual pigment rhodopsin, as well as in drug development in blinding disease.

She holds two pending patents and has published 18 research and review papers.


    Education & Training

  • Case Western Reserve University, Department of Pharmacology, Laboratory of Krzysztof Palczewski, Postdoctoral Scholar
  • Case Western Reserve University, PhD in Biochemistry
  • Fudan University, BS in Biological Sciences
K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Research Award, National Eye Institute
Allen Humphrey PhD Excellence in Mentoring Award
Bruce and Barbara Wiegand Entreprenerial Research Award
Research Interests

Dr. Chen's research interests are focused on the molecular mechanism of photoreceptor cell death in retinal diseases, as well as pharmacological treatments of such blinding diseases. She sets up a research lab that holds the platforms for biochemical, cell and retinal culture as well as in-vivo studies of photoreceptor cell morphology and function in rodent models of retinal degeneration.
