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J. Patrick Mayo, PhD

  • Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology


    Education & Training

  • Duke University, Department of Neurobiology, Laboratory of Dr. Stephen Lisberger, Senior Research Associate
  • Harvard Medical School, Department of Neurobiology, Laboratory of Dr. John Maunsell, Postdoctoral Associate
  • University of Pittsburgh, Department of Neuroscience, Laboratory of Dr. Marc Sommer, PhD
Research Interests

The Mayo Lab studies the influence of eye movements on the activity of visual neurons in the cerebral cortex. We hope to bridge the gap between well-controlled laboratory experiments and dynamic, natural primate vision. We record from large populations of neurons in critical nodes of the brain to directly observe how visual information from the retina is transformed into adaptive commands to move the eyes. Our goal is to understand the neuronal mechanisms of visual-motor interactions in order to: 1) facilitate the development of clinically viable treatments of visual impairments; and 2) provide a broad foundation for understanding how the brain seamlessly links perception and movements.
